Tuesday 19 November 2013

Annoying things on Teusdays and other days

Hello you guys! Its a lovely Tuesday isn't it. Well Im bored as always, scrolling through my twitter TL and came up with a list of things that annoy me. I decided to share them with you:

1) Males using "bitch" or "whore/ Ho" as their default word for females. Not only do I find this degrading and disrespectful, it tells alot about a guy and the way he would treat his girl. You're not 2chainz. Stop it.

2) Arguing with people with great vocabularies. Omgosh this can be sooo frustrating. I have a sister with a great vocabulary. Lol. But like on twitter, intelligent people with dumb points just make us average Joes and Janes look like we dont know what we're saying (even when we're right). I have to buy a dictionary ._.

3) Sarcasm. There's this saying "Sarcasm is the dullest form of wit". That goes out to everyone who thinks they're so smart and ergo can come up with sarcastic things to say. < was that sarcastic? Anyways...don't use that with me -_-

4) Tyler the creator.

5) People asking if you wanna be anorexic just 'cos you wanna be trim and fit. Just so you all know...slim people get negative comments as much as fat people. Just let people look however they want to look. Hope these definitions come in handy:

- anorexic (adj): Suffering from or afflicted with anorexia nervosa.
- fit (adj): * to be of proper shape or size
"a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity" (USDHHS, 1996)
- trim: to be in good physical condition
To remove excess (fat)

6) Moving on from the english lesson, people acting as narrators/ translators when you're watching a movie. Like they think they need to dumb down the movie. Saying things like "did you hear what he said he means..."
Like. Be quiet. I know what he means.

7) Cyber bullying. People being plain mean just 'cos they have alot of followers or just to get attention and RTs. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you MUST say something. Like many mums say "if you have nothing good to say, be quiet". People have feelings -_-

8) People being weists *in Chi-gurl's voice* Why is all you want to do drink and smoke and you're so young. Then you get invited to things and act all bored and like you're too trill to be doing this. Like the world should be entertaining you. We are young!!! Do things!!! Be alive. How do you expect to truly live when you're not sober half the time?

9) Laughing too loud. Omg.     Just.   No.

10) Not bowing down to my awesomeness ^.^ 

Have a beautiful day people.

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