Tuesday 20 January 2015

After so long...New Slave

Some people are great with relating to real life people, and expressing themselves in real life. Other people keep it bottled in, till it boils over, they snap and everyone wonders why it happened. Then there's people like me, who device a coping mechanism, a voice- the Internet.
The thing about blogging or microblogging is it lets you be heard without having to deal with direct/immediate reactions. I can scream about what I hate, what frustrates me, what I love...whenever I want. The point has always been to be heard, and to have someone (or 2000 someones) who listen, and acknowledge that they hear me.
How many people go through the world without actual companions? I'm not talking friends who you smoke with, hang with, or talk about sex with. Like, how many people actually have someone on their team? All day...everyday?
Many people think it's annoying or somewhat pathetic to put your shit out there on the Internet, but I say put it all out there if it helps you cope. Don't be that sad sad person behind a smartphone screen judging other people who are trying to keep their shit together when you're stuck.
I'd admit my profuse addiction to microblogging- tweeting to be specific- has put a strain on my relationship with people. Once, someone was being an ass, I complained and he goes "LOL, what are you going to do? Tweet about me?"
Yes. I will tweet about you, put it out there, and get past it. Does the world care? Probably not. Does the world hear? Fuck yes.
The point of this is to encourage feeling emotions and moving past them...not dwelling on them.  If writing helps you, if running helps you, music, twitter...do it all until you're okay, hold on as long as you can.
Cheers to my fellow Internet addicts 🍹
